Macquarie Korea Infrastructure Fund

Gwangju Second Beltway Section 1
Sorabol City Gas Co., Ltd.


Sorabol City Gas Co., Ltd.

Exclusive city gas retail distributor in two regions in Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea

Asset overview

Established in 2000, Sorabol City Gas Co., Ltd. (“SRB”) is the exclusive city gas retail distributor in two regions in Gyeongsangbuk-do in Korea. In 2022, SRB distributed 211 million m3 of gas to 133,125 users across the two regions through its 556km of pipelines. At the end of 2022, SRB achieved the penetration rate of ~71% in the two regions in Gyeongsangbuk-do.

Investment details

MKIF, through Bomun Clean Energy Ltd. (“BCE”) as its investment vehicle, has invested in SRB. As of the record date, MKIF is a 100% shareholder of SRB through BCE, and MKIF’s total investment amount is KRW 87.1 billion (equity KRW 8.7 billion and shareholder loan KRW 78.4 billion). 

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Business overview  
Asset company Sorabol City Gas Co., Ltd.
Establishment 2000
Operation period Going-concern
Business Distribution & sale of city gas and associated products
Distribution area 2 regions in Gyeongsangbuk-do (Gyeongju-siand Yeongcheon-si)
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Pipeline length* Total 634km
No. of users* 141,528
Amount of gas distributed* 201 million m3

*Pipeline length as at the end of 2024, and no. of users and amount of gas distributed are during 2024

Asset location