Macquarie Korea Infrastructure Fund
The MKIF Board of Directors is required to act in the best interests of MKIF and its shareholders and is comprised of the Corporate Director and two Supervisory Directors. The MKIF Board carries out functions and responsibilities as defined under MKIF's Articles of Incorporation (the "AOI"), the FSCMA and other relevant legislation, including the Korean Commercial Code.
In accordance with the FSCMA, MKAM as the Corporate Director must appoint one of its officers or employees to represent it on the MKIF Board. Responsibilities of the Corporate Director include managing the assets and reporting the status of the business at least once every quarter and representing and conducting the business of MKIF.
Supervisory Directors of MKIF provide oversight in relation to compliance of MKIF and MKAM with the terms of MKIF's AOI, the FSCMA and other relevant legislation. In addition, the Supervisory Directors have the right to request the Corporate Director, the Custodian, the Sales Agent or the Administrator to provide a status report of MKIF's business or assets whenever the Supervisory Directors deem necessary. Upon the receipt of such status reports, the Supervisory Directors may make demands to the Manager to correct violations, if any.
The Board shall have the rights to decide the following matters:
Board meetings are to be held at least once every quarter, where the directors of the board will be provided with the items on the agenda in advance to enable an informed discussion.
The current Directors of MKIF are:
As an affiliate of the Macquarie Group, MKAM and its executives are required to act in accordance with the code of conduct established by the Macquarie Group. This code of conduct requires MKAM and its executives to act with integrity, impartiality, confidentiality and diligence at all times.
MKIF will provide timely, open and accurate information to shareholders and regulators. Shareholders will be able to access annual reports, annual financial statements and other regular reports. These reports are intended to keep shareholders informed about MKIF's performance and should prevail over the information contained on this website. Reports reproduced on this website are for informational purposes only.